Resham Ramirez Saeed: The emblem of beauty in all it’s forms.
#JustShadeDarker in the Influencing World….

During my project of putting together #JustAShadeDarker which raises awareness about child labour within the Fashion and Cosmetic Industries, I have had the honour of interviewing wonderful influencers within the above mentioned industries who are making waves around the world with their achievements that are worthy of applause. Previously I had indulged my audience about the human rights violations pertaining the two major beauty industries that we highly engage in and therefore with an opportunity to have involved influencers and organisations on the project, this made for a great opportunity to drive the conversation even further.

One of those influencers happens to be Resham Ramirez Saeed, a 25 year old beauty Queen, recently crowned as Miss Supranational 2019 whose ‘good looks’ are not only of the divine nature, but additionally they are accompanied with a heart of gold.
Here is a Quick insider of what Resham had to say about the influencing world as well as the issue of child labour tainting the very industries that many of us can’t help but support worldwide.
1. First of all, I congratulate you for being such an inspiration as the crowned Miss Supranational Philippines 2019. What Inspired you to be in the modelling, Cosmetic and Fashion Industry?
“Thank you so much!! Well, to put it simply…Growing up, I always wanted to see representation of women like myself in the industry. I was born to a Filipino mother and a Pakistani father, with Islamic beliefs and values and a dream to give their children educational/ social/ freedom of self expression that they themselves never had. I’ve had a unique upbringing but I rarely saw women like myself out there in the media — at least while growing up.”
2. You have an amazing following in the social media world and people around the globe love you! Would you consider yourself a Global influencer? Why or Why not?
“Hmmm. Yes and No (haha.) It’s true that I’ve come a long way in terms of my social media following, but to me a global influencer is someone known for their great positive social impact and I feel like I’ve just scratched the surface, there’s a lot more I want to do and to be known for. It’s something I’m still working towards.”
3. What would you say are the pro’s and con’s of constantly being in the spotlight? Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of support given to you by your adoring followers and how do you deal with it?
“The pro is definitely the love and support; it can be so overwhelmingly satisfying on a deep level. Not to say that this should be anyone’s source of validation, that should come from within…but it is always nice to be appreciated and loved for who you are. And as for a Con, sometimes I catch myself holding back from expressing certain truths about the industry because I fear the backlash and I wonder if the people are really ready to hear it or not. Someone who speaks of women empowerment highly…this part can be a bit demoralizing because I don’t want to be a hypocrite…but the spotlight that shines on you can sometimes burn you too. So, I try to in my own way be as transparent as I can about myself and who I am as a person.”
4. As a well-known beauty Queen there are tons of misconceptions surrounding the fact that having influence is all about being in front of the camera. Your Humanitarian heart has placed you in a different league that many people look up too. Where did you draw your inspiration from in serving your community and the world?
“ I think it’s the values I was raised with. ‘Treat others the way you wish to be treated’. It really is just that simple. Gender Equality and Women Empowerment is sourced from that very idea. I believe in fairness and equality, period. Why should anyone be given less rights than the other? Why should we as ordinary people judge other ordinary people. We are all different, We all have struggles, We all crave love and acceptance and so I don’t ever see anything bad or sinister stemming from an act of love, equality and respect.”
5. #JustAShadeDarker has recently launched which is a topic centered around the Cosmetic and Fashion Corporates being active participants of Child and forced labour in various parts of the world when sourcing their designated goods. As an Influencer you are exposed to working with brands on a consistent basis, would you say you are aware of some of the human rights concerns that accompany these industries?
“To be completely transparent and honest with you, I didn’t. When you emailed me about this issue, I digged deeper and felt over come with guilt for not knowing. I had no idea about the ‘Mica’ component and how it’s connected to child labor and suffering. I feel like most of my favorite makeup brands are in question for me personally at this point and it’s so difficult to find out whether they’re knowingly or unknowingly connected. (Not knowing is not an excuse) I feel like we all have a part to play in someone’s suffering and #justashadedarker brings this thought to light.”
6. Human trafficking accounts for one of the biggest crimes happening today against humanity targeting children, women and even men. Do you think Brands should become active participants in ensuring that consumers get slavery-free products or clothing items by conducting due diligence with suppliers and other external sources or perhaps devote themselves in becoming cruelty-free brands?
‘10000% I feel like the makeup I use and clothes I wear shouldn’t only look good, but I should feel good knowing that it was ethically sourced. I shouldn’t even have to question myself or the internet whether my favorite brands are culprits (whether knowingly or unknowingly) in the grander scheme of things. I really urge brands to be more aware, because it really does take just one or two major companies to start digging and changing their ways for others to follow. Why not be the hero who does this? How can sparkly eye shadows really be more important than humanity?’
7. What role can consumers play in ensuring that they receive the best quality products from brands ethically?
‘’ One way to start is by asking questions. Reaching out to brands and asking them as a concerned citizen. Letting these brands know that this is something, as consumers, we care about. Another step after this is to simply stop supporting brands that do not disclose this information or refuse to do anything about it. As consumers we hold all the power, people just need to care enough to make this movement and I really think we can.’’
8. Do you think Influencers particularly should use their platforms to educate people on these topics as well as conduct their own due diligence before considering working with a certain brand?
‘’Definitely. The power really is on our side, and we have a responsibility as consumers and as humans to promote ethical resourcing when it comes to the products we use and support.’’
9. Would you be willing to use your own platform to educate your audience and raise awareness about #JustAShadeDarker and how we need to be more involved in supporting slavery-free items?
‘’Yes! And I’m excited to as well. I love love loveeee makeup and I’m hopeful that this movement picks up. I have hope and faith in the brands I use. Some of these brands are huge social media influencers and I follow them, I feel like as consumers and fans of these makeup moguls…we can create awareness and maybe even message them directly and honestly just one person to another, raise this concern with them…I think this is a good place to start’’.
10. Do you think as consumers, influencers and brands we can work together in ensuring that we create a space in which we can all be involved in the solution process?
‘’Absolutely. It all starts with taking responsibility. And then following it up with action. Not with anger, harassment or hate. But with concern and the need to create a change in the way we pick our products and the way they’re made. More importantly to create awareness and a movement against this. If we can all do our part and continue to do our part…we can change this inhumane practice. Frankly, I can’t imagine anyone who wouldn’t want to support this movement in order to save lives. And if they are the kinds of people that can’t take responsibility or correct a wrong…then I don’t want to support or be affiliated with a brand like that. Plain and simple.’’
If powerful influencers such as Resham can become part of a movement that supports the abolishing of unethically sourced minerals or fabrics within the cosmetic and fashion industries, what more if we come together as influencers, brands and consumers to speak about the exploitation that continue to harm women, children and men around the world.
In countries such as India, child labour remains one of the biggest factors in the region which sees children as young as 5 years old having to dig their way through small tunnels whilst carrying on their backs, dangerous tools that do not belong in the hands that are meant to cuddle a teddy bear or an action figure toy. And whilst there have been companies within the cosmetic and fashion world that have heavily tried to engage with the issue of supply chains unethically sourcing fabrics or minerals, the statistics still remain high in many regions around the world where child labour has almost become a necessity for the greedy.
As I continue to expose the dark sides that accompany the beauty world in its entirety through my various upcoming articles, #JustAShadeDarker needs your support by spreading the word about a violation that should have received the world’s attention and intervention awhile ago.

Follow Resham Ramirez Saeed:
Instagram: @raebaeee
Facebook: Resham Ramirez Saeed